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There Is No So-Called Overseas Police Stations

中国人民公安大学出版社  2023/7/12 9:27:36

  Reuters: Canada’s minister for public safety said that there may be many more secret Chinese police stations operating in Canada. Can the spokesperson provide any comment?
  Wang Wenbin: We have stated our position on such rhetoric multiple times. There is no so-called overseas police stations. The relevant institutions helped overseas Chinese who could not return to China due to the pandemic renew their driving license and perform physical examination. They are not so-called police stations or police service centers at all. The local Chinese groups who helped provide venues for the services and the volunteers are Chinese from the local communities who are willing to help their compatriots, not Chinese police personnel. In light of the evolving COVID situation and relevant services now available online, the relevant service centers have been closed. China always upholds the principle of non-interference in other countries’ internal affairs, strictly observes the international law, and respects the judicial sovereignty of all countries. We urge Canada to stop spreading disinformation and stop smearing and discrediting China.■




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